How to Develop an iOS App Without Code: A Beginner's Guide

Want to develop an iOS app but don't know how to code? This beginner's guide will show you how to create an app without writing a single line of code!

How to Develop an iOS App Without Code: A Beginner's Guide

Developing an iOS app without code has become increasingly accessible with the advent of low-code and no-code development platforms. These platforms enable individuals with little to no programming experience to create their own mobile applications. Here's a beginner's guide on how to develop an iOS app without code:

Define your app concept

Defining your app concept involves clearly articulating the purpose, target audience, and key features of your app. Here's a step-by-step approach to defining your app concept:

  1. Identify the problem or need: Consider the challenges or gaps that your app aims to address. Think about the pain points or inefficiencies that potential users may experience in a particular area or industry. Identifying a problem or need will help you create an app that provides value and resonates with your target audience.
  2. Define your target audience: Determine who your app is designed for. Consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and demographics. Understanding your target audience will help you tailor the user experience and design elements to meet their specific needs and preferences.
  3. Outline the core features: Identify the essential features that your app must have to address the identified problem or need effectively. Focus on functionality that delivers the most value to your users. Start with a concise list of core features that align with your app's purpose and target audience.
  4. Prioritize features: Once you have a list of core features, prioritize them based on their importance and impact on the user experience. Consider which features are essential for the app's initial version and which ones can be added in future updates. Prioritization will help you allocate resources effectively during the development process.
  5. Research similar apps: Study existing apps in the same domain or industry to understand what features they offer and how they address user needs. Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and user reviews to identify opportunities for improvement or differentiation. This research will help you refine your app concept and ensure it stands out in the market.
  6. Consider the user journey: Map out the flow of interactions and user experience within your app. Visualize how users will navigate through different screens, access features, and accomplish their goals. Consider the user's perspective at each step to ensure a seamless and intuitive experience.
  7. Refine and iterate: Continuously refine and iterate on your app concept based on feedback and insights. Share your ideas with potential users, industry experts, or mentors to gather input and validate your concept. Incorporate valuable feedback into your app concept to make it more compelling and user-centric.

Remember to document your app concept, including the problem statement, target audience, key features, and user journey. This documentation will serve as a reference throughout the development process and help you stay focused on your app's objectives.

Choose a no-code / low-code platform

There are several excellent no-code / low-code platforms available for developing iOS apps. Here are a few popular options:

  1. Moxly: Moxly is a powerful visual programming platform that allows you to create web and mobile applications without code. It offers a drag-and-drop interface and a wide range of pre-built components. Moxly also provides database integration and supports responsive design for mobile apps.
  2. Adalo: Adalo is a no-code platform specifically designed for building mobile apps. It offers a visual interface with drag-and-drop functionality and allows you to create native iOS and Android apps simultaneously. Adalo provides a variety of UI components, integrations, and data management capabilities.
  3. Thunkable: Thunkable is a user-friendly platform that enables you to build mobile apps for iOS and Android using a visual interface. It supports drag-and-drop functionality and offers a large library of pre-built components. Thunkable also allows for integrations with APIs and provides data storage options.
  4. Glide: Glide is a no-code platform primarily focused on creating mobile apps from Google Sheets. It allows you to turn spreadsheets into fully functional apps with customizable UI elements. Glide supports real-time data synchronization, allows for user authentication, and provides a range of templates to get started quickly.
  5. AppGyver: AppGyver is a comprehensive no-code platform that lets you develop mobile apps using a visual drag-and-drop interface. It offers a wide range of components, data management features, and third-party integrations. AppGyver supports iOS app development and provides options for customization and deployment.

These platforms vary in terms of features, pricing plans, and ease of use. I recommend exploring their websites, reviewing their documentation, and trying out their free trials (if available) to determine which platform best suits your specific needs and preferences.

Plan your app's structure and layout

Planning your app's structure and layout is a crucial step in the development process. It involves determining the number of screens your app will have, the hierarchy of information, and how users will navigate through the app. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan your app's structure and layout:

  1. Identify the main features and functionalities: Make a list of the core features your app will provide. Consider the primary purpose of your app and the problems it aims to solve. This will help you prioritize the features and allocate appropriate screen space.
  2. Define user personas and user flows: Create user personas representing different types of users who will interact with your app. Understand their needs, preferences, and goals. Based on these personas, define user flows—sequences of actions users will take to accomplish specific tasks within the app. User flows will help you determine the necessary screens and their relationships.
  3. Create a basic outline: Start by sketching a basic outline of your app's screens on paper or using wireframing tools like Figma or Sketch. Include all the essential screens, such as the home screen, login/register screen, main feature screens, settings, and any other relevant screens.
  4. Establish navigation patterns: Decide how users will navigate between screens. Common navigation patterns include tab bars, side menus, bottom sheets, or a combination of these. Consider the most intuitive and user-friendly navigation method based on your app's content and features.
  5. Consider information hierarchy: Determine the priority of information on each screen. Identify the most important elements, such as headings, primary actions, and crucial data, and ensure they have appropriate visual prominence. Use techniques like font size, color, and positioning to establish a clear information hierarchy.
  6. Sketch each screen: Once you have the basic outline and navigation structure, start sketching each screen individually. Consider the layout, placement of content, buttons, forms, and media elements. Pay attention to usability and visual aesthetics. It's okay to start with rough sketches; the goal is to get a sense of the overall layout and content arrangement.
  7. Iterate and refine: Review your sketched screens and seek feedback from others if possible. Iterate on the layout and design based on the feedback received. Make sure the screens are consistent in terms of branding, colors, typography, and overall visual style.
  8. Convert sketches into digital mockups: Once you are satisfied with the sketched screens, you can transfer them to digital mockups using design tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD. This step will allow you to create a more refined and polished version of your app's layout and design.
  9. Validate the design: Test the digital mockups with potential users or stakeholders to gather feedback on the usability and overall user experience. Make any necessary adjustments based on the feedback received.

By following these steps, you can effectively plan your app's structure and layout, ensuring a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. Remember to continuously iterate and refine your design as you progress in the app development process.

Start building with the chosen platform

Once you've chosen a no-code/low-code platform for iOS app development, you can begin building your app using the following steps:

  1. Sign up and create a new project: Sign up for an account on the chosen platform's website or app. Once you've created an account, start a new project specifically for your iOS app.
  2. Choose a template or start from scratch: Many no-code/low-code platforms offer templates that provide a basic structure and design for different types of apps. You can choose a template that closely matches your app concept or start from scratch if you prefer complete customization.
  3. Design your app's screens: Use the platform's visual editor to design the screens of your app. Drag and drop various UI components, such as buttons, text fields, images, and navigation elements, onto the canvas. Arrange them according to your wireframe or mockup.
  4. Customize the UI: Modify the appearance of your app's UI elements to match your desired design. Adjust colors, fonts, sizes, and styles to create a visually appealing user interface.
  5. Add functionality: Begin adding functionality to your app by incorporating the platform's pre-built components. These components may include form inputs, data tables, maps, media players, authentication systems, and more. Drag and drop the components onto the appropriate screens and configure them according to your app's requirements.
  6. Configure interactions and navigation: Define how users will interact with your app by setting up actions and triggers. For example, you can configure a button to navigate to another screen, submit a form, or perform a specific function when tapped. Ensure smooth and intuitive navigation between different screens.
  7. Manage data: If your app requires data storage, connect your app to a database provided by the platform or integrate it with a third-party service. Configure the necessary settings to enable data storage, retrieval, and manipulation within your app.
  8. Test your app: Use the platform's built-in preview feature or simulator to test your app's functionality and user experience. Verify that all components work as intended, screens transition correctly, and data is being handled correctly.
  9. Iterate and refine: Based on your testing, gather feedback and identify areas that need improvement. Iterate on your app's design, functionality, and user experience to address any issues or enhance its overall performance.
  10. Export and distribute your app: Once you're satisfied with your app's development, follow the platform's instructions to export your app as an iOS-compatible file. The platform may generate a downloadable file or provide integration with Apple's App Store Connect. Follow Apple's guidelines and submit your app for review and distribution on the App Store.

Remember to refer to the platform's documentation, tutorials, and community resources for specific guidance on building apps within that particular platform.

Customize the user interface (UI)

When customizing the user interface (UI) of your iOS app developed without code, you have the opportunity to make it visually appealing and aligned with your branding. Here are some steps to customize the UI:

  1. Colors: Choose a color scheme that matches your app's theme or branding. Most no-code/low-code platforms provide options to customize colors easily. Experiment with different color combinations for backgrounds, buttons, text, and other UI elements.
  2. Typography: Select appropriate fonts for your app's text elements. Consider readability and visual harmony. Many platforms offer a range of font options and allow you to customize the font size, style, and weight.
  3. Icons and Images: Utilize icons and images to enhance the visual appeal and communicate information effectively. No-code/low-code platforms often provide libraries of icons and allow you to upload custom images. Select icons and images that are relevant to your app's features and use them consistently across the UI.
  4. Layout and Structure: Arrange UI elements in a logical and intuitive manner. Consider the flow of information and the ease of navigation for users. Experiment with different layouts, such as grids or lists, to display content effectively.
  5. Buttons and Controls: Customize buttons, checkboxes, switches, and other interactive controls to match your app's aesthetics. Adjust their size, shape, color, and position. Ensure that they are easily identifiable and provide clear feedback to user interactions.
  6. Animations and Transitions: Some no-code/low-code platforms offer animation capabilities to add visual flair to your app. Use animations and transitions sparingly to enhance user experience and guide user attention. Consider animations for button clicks, page transitions, or visual feedback.
  7. Responsive Design: Ensure that your app's UI adapts well to different device sizes and orientations. Test your app's responsiveness on various iOS devices and make necessary adjustments to maintain a consistent and user-friendly experience.
  8. User Feedback: Seek feedback from potential users or conduct usability testing to gather insights on the UI. Iterate on your design based on user suggestions and preferences. Keep an open mind and be willing to make changes to improve the user experience.

Remember to balance visual appeal with usability. Keep the UI clean, uncluttered, and intuitive to ensure that users can easily navigate and interact with your app. Regularly test your app on iOS devices or simulators to verify the UI's functionality and aesthetics.

Add functionality and logic

When adding functionality and logic to your iOS app developed without code, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the required features: Determine the specific functionalities you want to include in your app. Make a list of the features and prioritize them based on their importance and complexity.
  2. Explore pre-built components: Most no-code / low-code platforms offer a range of pre-built components that you can use to add functionality to your app. These components may include buttons, forms, lists, maps, cameras, and more. Browse through the available options and select the components that align with your desired features.
  3. Configure component properties: Customize the properties of each component to suit your app's requirements. For example, if you're using a button component, you can specify its appearance, size, text, and behavior when tapped.
  4. Define interactions and events: No-code/low-code platforms often provide visual tools to define interactions and events within your app. For instance, you can specify what should happen when a button is pressed, a form is submitted, or a list item is selected. Use these tools to create the desired behavior and flow in your app.
  5. Utilize logic and conditional statements: Many no-code/low-code platforms offer visual programming tools to incorporate logic into your app. These tools typically involve drag-and-drop interfaces or visual flowcharts. You can use conditional statements (if-else), loops, and variables to control the behavior of your app based on certain conditions or user input.
  6. Integrate APIs and services: If your app requires data from external sources or needs to connect to other services, explore the platform's capabilities for API integration. Many no-code/low-code platforms allow you to connect to popular APIs without writing code. This enables you to retrieve data, display dynamic content, or interact with external services within your app.
  7. Test and debug: Regularly test your app's functionality as you add new features or modify existing ones. Use the testing tools provided by the no-code/low-code platform to simulate user interactions and identify any issues or unexpected behavior. Debug and fix any errors or inconsistencies that arise during the testing phase.
  8. Iterate and refine: Gather feedback from users or beta testers and iterate on your app's functionality based on their suggestions and needs. Continuously refine and improve the features to enhance the user experience and ensure the app meets its intended purpose.

Remember that while no-code/low-code platforms simplify the process of adding functionality and logic, complex or highly customized features may require additional coding or more advanced development techniques. In such cases, consider collaborating with a developer or exploring other tools that offer more flexibility in terms of customization and functionality.

Implement data management

When implementing data management in your iOS app developed without code, you'll typically work with the features and components provided by the chosen no-code/low-code platform. Here are some general steps to follow:

  1. Determine data requirements: Identify the types of data your app needs to store and manage. This could include user profiles, form submissions, media files, or any other relevant information.
  2. Choose a data storage option: Most no-code/low-code platforms offer built-in database functionality or integrations with third-party services. Evaluate the available options and select the one that best suits your app's data requirements and scalability needs.
  3. Set up the database: If your chosen platform has a built-in database, follow its instructions to create the necessary tables, fields, and relationships. Configure the database to match your app's data structure.
  4. Define data models: Map out the structure of your data models based on the information you need to store. For example, if you're creating a user profile, define the fields such as name, email, password, and any additional attributes required.
  5. Create data entry and retrieval mechanisms: Use the components provided by the no-code/low-code platform to design forms or input fields that allow users to enter data. Define actions or triggers that will save the entered data to the database.
  6. Implement data retrieval: Configure your app to retrieve and display data from the database as needed. This might involve setting up queries, filters, or sorting mechanisms to fetch specific data based on user interactions or app logic.
  7. Ensure data security: If your app handles sensitive user information, consider implementing security measures to protect the data. This may include encryption, access control, and authentication mechanisms, depending on the capabilities of the chosen platform.
  8. Test data management functionality: Thoroughly test your app's data management features to ensure data is being stored and retrieved correctly. Verify that data validation, error handling, and data synchronization (if applicable) are functioning as intended.
  9. Iterate and refine: Gather feedback from users or stakeholders and make iterative improvements to your app's data management capabilities. Address any bugs or issues that arise during testing and continue refining the user experience.

It's important to note that the specific steps and terminology may vary depending on the no-code/low-code platform you're using. Consult the platform's documentation or support resources for detailed instructions on implementing data management within your app.

Test and iterate

Testing and iterating are crucial steps in the app development process, regardless of whether you're using code or a no-code/low-code platform. Here's a closer look at the test and iterate phase:

  1. Testing:
  • Device testing: Test your app on actual iOS devices to ensure it functions correctly and looks as intended. Use different device models and screen sizes to catch any layout or compatibility issues.
  • Functional testing: Verify that all the features and functionalities of your app work as expected. Test user interactions, form submissions, data storage and retrieval, and any integrations with third-party services.
  • User experience (UX) testing: Evaluate the overall user experience of your app. Pay attention to ease of navigation, intuitive controls, and responsiveness. Solicit feedback from potential users or conduct usability tests to identify areas for improvement.
  • Performance testing: Check your app's performance, including its loading time, responsiveness, and overall speed. Identify any bottlenecks or laggy behavior and optimize your app's performance if necessary.
  • Bug testing: Thoroughly test your app to identify and fix any bugs or errors. Encourage users to provide feedback and report issues they encounter. Use crash reporting tools to track and address any crashes or exceptions.
  1. Iterating:
  • Analyze feedback: Gather feedback from users, beta testers, and early adopters. Analyze their suggestions, comments, and criticisms to gain insights into areas where your app can be improved.
  • Prioritize enhancements: Prioritize the feedback and identify the most critical improvements or features to focus on. Consider the impact on the user experience, the feasibility of implementation, and the overall value they bring to the app.
  • Make iterative changes: Implement the necessary changes and enhancements based on the feedback and priorities you've identified. Iterate on the design, functionality, and user flow of your app.
  • Test again: After making changes, test your app once more to ensure the modifications have resolved the reported issues and improved the overall user experience. Repeat the testing process as needed to validate your changes.
  • Rinse and repeat: The process of testing and iterating is an ongoing one. Continue to collect user feedback, analyze data, and make iterative improvements to your app. Regular updates and enhancements will help keep your app relevant and improve its quality over time.

Remember, user feedback is invaluable for enhancing your app. Actively engage with your users, listen to their needs, and prioritize their suggestions. By continuously testing and iterating, you can refine your app, address any issues, and create a better user experience.

Publish your app

I apologize for the confusion, but as an AI language model, I don't have the ability to create or publish apps. However, I can provide you with some general guidance on how to publish your app on the App Store. Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Register as an Apple Developer: Before you can publish your app on the App Store, you need to enroll in the Apple Developer Program. Visit the Apple Developer website ( and follow the instructions to register.
  2. Prepare your app for submission: Ensure that your app meets all the requirements set by Apple. This includes adhering to the App Store Review Guidelines, providing appropriate metadata (app description, screenshots, etc.), and addressing any potential issues or bugs.
  3. Generate necessary certificates and provisioning profiles: In the Apple Developer Program, you'll need to create certificates and provisioning profiles to sign your app and enable it to run on iOS devices. This step ensures that your app is securely distributed.
  4. Create an App Store Connect record: App Store Connect is a platform provided by Apple that allows you to manage your app's submission and release. Create a record for your app on App Store Connect and provide all the required information, including app name, description, pricing, and screenshots.
  5. Upload your app: Package your app using the appropriate tools (e.g., Xcode) and upload it to App Store Connect. Make sure to include any necessary app icons and assets as specified by Apple.
  6. Fill out the app submission details: Provide all the necessary information about your app, including its category, pricing, availability, and any specific requirements or restrictions.
  7. Submit your app for review: Once you've completed the submission details, submit your app for review by Apple's App Review team. The review process ensures that your app complies with the guidelines and policies set by Apple.
  8. Await app review and release: The App Review team will review your app for any violations, bugs, or other issues. This process typically takes several days, but it can vary. If any issues are found, you'll receive feedback and will need to address them before resubmitting.
  9. Release your app: Once your app has been approved, you can choose to release it immediately or schedule a specific release date. You can also specify the regions where your app will be available.
  10. Update and manage your app: After your app is published, you can manage and update it through App Store Connect. You can release bug fixes, introduce new features, respond to user reviews, and monitor your app's performance.

It's important to note that the app publishing process can be complex, and there may be additional requirements or steps depending on the nature of your app. It's recommended to refer to the official Apple Developer documentation and guidelines for more detailed and up-to-date information on app publishing.

Market your app

To effectively market your app and reach your target audience, consider the following strategies:

  1. App Store Optimization (ASO): Optimize your app's listing on the App Store to improve its visibility and discoverability. Use relevant keywords in the app title and description, include compelling screenshots and videos, and encourage positive reviews.
  2. Create a website or landing page: Build a dedicated website or landing page for your app. Provide clear information about its features, benefits, and how it solves a problem for users. Include screenshots, videos, testimonials, and a call-to-action for users to download the app.
  3. Social media marketing: Leverage popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote your app. Create engaging content, share updates, post tutorials or demos, and interact with your target audience. Consider running targeted ads to reach a wider audience.
  4. Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers or bloggers who have a relevant audience in your app's niche. They can review your app, create sponsored content, or share their experiences with their followers, which can significantly increase your app's visibility and credibility.
  5. Content marketing: Produce valuable content related to your app's niche through blog posts, videos, podcasts, or infographics. Share your expertise, offer tips and insights, and establish yourself as a thought leader. Include links to your app in the content or within author bios.
  6. App review websites: Submit your app to popular app review websites or directories. Many users rely on these platforms to discover new apps, so positive reviews and exposure on these sites can drive downloads and user engagement.
  7. App communities and forums: Participate in relevant online communities, forums, and discussion groups related to your app's niche. Provide helpful insights, answer questions, and engage with potential users. However, be mindful not to spam or excessively self-promote.
  8. App Store ads: Consider running paid advertisements within the App Store itself. Apple Search Ads allows you to target specific keywords and demographics, ensuring your app appears prominently in relevant search results.
  9. App referrals and incentives: Encourage your existing users to refer your app to their friends and family by offering incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or in-app rewards. This word-of-mouth marketing can be highly effective in driving app downloads.
  10. App analytics and optimization: Continuously monitor your app's performance using analytics tools. Analyze user behavior, identify drop-off points, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your app's user experience and retention.

Remember to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, adapt your strategies based on user feedback and data, and continuously refine your app's marketing approach to maximize its reach and success in the marketplace.

Ready to create your app for free?

Turn your idea into a mobile app and publish it on Google Play and Appstore